Registered Process Server Sacramento Ca
Lance Casey & Associates
Registered Process Server Sacramento Ca
Difficult To Serve Defendant?
Have you tried serving the defendant and they are refusing to open the door? Have you hired other process servers or the Sheriffs Department to serve your documents but they were unsuccessful? Don't know the defendant's current address for service of process? Have multiple address for the defendant? Watch This Video of a hard to serve defendant.
Need Help Serving Small Claims?
SC-100 Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court, SC-107 Small Claims Subpoena for Personal Appearance and Production of Documents at Trial or Hearing and Declaration
Need Help Serving a Restraining Order?
DV-110 Temporary Restraining order, CH-100 Request for Civil Harasssment Restraining Orders, DV-100 Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order.
Need Help Serving Child Custody and Visitation Orders?
We serve FL-300 Request for Order, FL-305 Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders, FL-320 Responsive Declaration to Request for Order, FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
Need help serving a Subpoena Duces Tecum?
SUBP-001 Civil Subpoena for Personal Appearance At Trial or Hearing, SUBP-002 Civil Subpoena (Duces Tecum) for Personal Appearance and Production of Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Things at Trial or Hearing and Declaration, SUBP-010 Deposition Subpoena for Production of Business Records, SUBP-015 Deposition Subpoena For Personal Appearance, SUBP-020 Deposition Subpoena For Personal Appearance and Production of Documents and Things, SUBP-025 Notice to Consumer or Employee and Objection
Need Help Serving Family Law/Divorce Papers?
FL-100 Petition - Marriage/Domestic Partnership, FL-105 Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), FL-110 Summons (Family Law), FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons (Family Law), FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers (Family Law-Uniform Parentage-Custody and Support), FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts (Family Law)
Need Help Serving Prentice-Hall Corporation System Inc Corporation Service Company D/B/A CSC Lawyer's Incorporating Services?
We provide process service of Prentice-Hall Corporation System Inc, Corporation Service Company which will do business in California as CSC - Lawyers Incorporating Service 2710 gateway oaks drive suite 150n Sacramento Ca 95833.
Rates: Sacramento Area Routine Process Service $100, Difficult to Serve $300 & Up, Sacramento Court Filling $65. I will pick up the documents from you if you are in the Sacramento area. Please fill in the applicable fields on the process service order form. Once you have submitted your process service order form, scan and email your PDF documents (jpeg files are not accepted) to or fax them to 916-244-2636. I will call you and obtain payment over the phone. Prepayment is required. Process service includes Residential or Business service with (3) attempts per address per named defendant, except any government agencies and agents for service. Government agencies and agents for service receive only 1 attempt for the rate charged. Court filings receive 1 attempt for the rate charged. Errors or omissions of any kind in either documents or client instructions are the sole responsibility of the client.
Service Of Process And Why It Matters
Lawsuits and other important legal proceedings cannot move forward unless all parties to them are provided with proper and timely notice. To that end, state, federal and local courts have established rules that govern exactly now such notices must be delivered and certified.
Because providing notice must be done in a very specific manner within given time frames, it is often most expedient to hire a professional to do the work. A process server with experience will understand how to find the party at issue, properly serve the paperwork and file the certifications the court needs to see.
Price is almost always a key consideration in securing the aid of a process server, but it should by no means be the only one. Finding a team staffed by individuals with a strong background in the field and those with the proper credentials is vital to success.
Searching online for process servers in the local area is a smart way to find the professionals on which lawyers, law firms and others in need of this type of assistance regularly rely. Speaking directly to court personnel and legal professionals in town is almost certain to yield the names of those who can facilitate quick service of process.
When a lot is at stake and the future of a legal action turns on proper service of process, nothing should be left to chance. Ensuring that paperwork is delivered to the right person and that certification and proof of service is completed accurately and submitted to the correct authorities is pivotal.
By taking the time to review the options when it comes to process servers, litigants, lawyers and others in need of help can rest assured that their documents reach the intended parties and nothing will undermine the progress of their cases or the pursuit of their rights.
Process Server Videos
Why Hire a Registered Process Server Sacramento Ca?
Process Server Sacramento. If you live in Sacramento, it will be better to hire a local process server instead of one who does not reside within your area. Below are among the reasons why it is more practical to do so:
Minimize your expenses.
With the help of a process server Sacramento within your area, the cost of service is generally cheaper since there is no need to forward these court documents to another business outside of your town. Routine service that is not done locally, for instance, may cost you about $50 to as much as $200 in some cases. If the delivery takes several attempts, or you opt for rush service, then the amount goes even higher. On the other hand, a local guy who can get this done will spare you from an enormous amount of money when it comes to routine services done within the area.
Expect more efficient service.
You will appreciate the fact that local process servers in Sacramento can get the job done the fastest time possible. After all, there is no need to send papers to the main office before forwarding these to the recipient. The more direct the path of delivery is, the quicker it will take for the papers to be served. You can email your documents to us at
Ease of contacting the person involved.