Who is Corporation Service Company Georgia?
Corporation Service Company Georgia is the registered agent of businesses doing business in Georgia. To do business as a legal entity in the state of Georgia, law requires that your company maintain a valid legal address within the state boundaries. With Corporation Service Company Georgia CSC® acting as your registered agent in Georgia, you’ll have a physical address and an actual person to receive all legal documents that are sent to your company. CSC will then forward the legal documents, also known as "service of process," to your company.
Our firm will provide service of process of your legal documents to Corporation Service Company Georgia located at 40 Technology Parkway South, #300 Norcross, GA 30092.
How to Serve Corporation Service Company Georgia with Court Documents (CSC)
Address: 40 Technology Parkway South, #300 Norcross, GA 30092
We Serve Corporation Service Company Georgia with Legal Papers.
Click "Service of Process" below to serve your documents to Corporation Service Company located at 40 Technology Parkway South, #300 Norcross, GA 30092
How To Find The Registered Agent For Service of Process
Below is a list of companies that may use Corporation Service Company as their registered agent.
Looking for Process Server in Norcross, GA
We need a process server to serve Corporation Service Company in Norcross, GA.
- Airbnb, Inc.
- Ace Hardware Corporation
- Amazon.com, LLC
- American General Life Insurance Company
- AIG Claims, Inc.
- Apollo Education Group, Inc.
- Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC
- Axa
- Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC
- Benchmark Insurance Company
- Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corporation
- Best Western International, Inc.
- Boeing
- Budget Rent-A-Car System, Inc.
- Capital One, National Assocation
- Charter Communications, Inc.
- Corelogic, Inc.
- Deloitte Consulting L.P.
- Delta Air Lines, Inc.
- DirecTV, LLC
- Dish Network
- Disney-ABC
- E*Trade Securities LLC
- Equifax, Inc.
- Exxon Mobil Corporation
- Facebook, Inc.
- Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company
- First American Title Company
- First Republic Bank
- Frontier Communications Corporation
- General Motors, LLC
- Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare Holdings (US) LLC
- Google, Inc.
- Home Depot U.S.A., Inc.
- Humana
- ING Financial Holdings Corporation
- Intuit, Inc.
- Kaiser Permanente Insurance Company
- Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
- Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.
- Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
- Lincoln Financial Advisors
- Lockheed Martin
- Lowe's Home Centers, LLC
- McKinsey & Company
- Microsoft Corporation
- Monsanto Company
- NationStar Mortgage, LLC
- Nationwide General Insurance Company
- Novartis Corporation
- Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC
- PHH Mortgage Corporation
- Provident Funding Group, Inc.
- Nationwide
- Qualcomm Incorporated
- Safeco Insurance of America
- Sony Electronics, Inc.
- Starbucks Corporation
- State Farm Insurance Company
- Southwest Airlines Co.
- SunTrust Mortgage, Inc.
- T-Mobile USA, Inc.
- Time Warner Cable, LLC
- UBS Financial Services, Inc.
- United Parcel Service, Inc.
- Vanguard Group, Inc.
- Verizon Digital Media Services, Inc.
- Viacom
- Volkswagen
- Wells Fargo Bank, NA
- Wells Fargo & Company
- Yellowpages.com, LLC
We are not affiliated with Corporation Service Company, CSC, CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, Prentice Hall Corporation Systems, Sundoc Filings; National Corporate Research ltd. Inc, Incorporating Services ltd, Cogency Global Inc., Formerly Known as National Corporate Research, Registered Agent Solutions, Legalinc Corporate Services, Corp2000, Paracorp Incorporated. We are process servers and can serve the above registered agents with legal documents.