1220 S Street Suite 150 Sacramento Ca

Resident Agent Solutions

How to serve a subpoena to Registered Agent Solutions?

What is your cost to serve Registered Agent Solutions with a Summons and Complaint?

Process Server Lance Casey & Associates states "Registered Agent Solutions is located at 1220 S Street Suite 150 Sacramento, CA 95811.  We serve complaint and summons, deposition subpoenas, civil subpoena duces tecum, notice to consumer, small claims SC-100 plaintiffs claim and order to go to small claims court to Sacramento registered agents for $100."

List of Registered Corporate Agents

CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service
2710 Gateway Oaks Drive Suite 150N Sacramento, Ca 95833

Prentice Hall Corporation Systems
2710 Gateway Oaks Drive Suite 150N Sacramento, Ca 95833

Sundoc Filings
7801 Folsom Blvd #202, Sacramento, CA 95826

National Corporate Research ltd. Inc
1325 J St #1550, Sacramento, CA 95814

Corporation Service Company
2710 Gateway Oaks Drive Suite 150N Sacramento, Ca 95833

The Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc.
2710 Gateway Oaks Drive Suite 150N Sacramento, Ca 95833

Incorporating Services ltd
7801 Folsom Blvd #202, Sacramento, CA 95826

Cogency Global Inc., Formerly Known as National Corporate Research
1325 J St #1550, Sacramento, CA 95814

Registered Agent Solutions
1220 S Street Suite 150 Sacramento, CA 95811

Legalinc Corporate Services
4788 Dewey Drive Fair Oaks Ca 95628

720 14th Street Sacramento, Ca 95814

Paracorp Incorporated
2804 Gateway Oaks Dr #100, Sacramento, CA 95833

We are not affiliated with Corporation Service Company, CSC, CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, Prentice Hall Corporation Systems, Sundoc Filings; National Corporate Research ltd. Inc, Incorporating Services ltd, Cogency Global Inc., Formerly Known as National Corporate Research, Registered Agent Solutions, Legalinc Corporate Services, Corp2000, Paracorp Incorporated.  We are process servers and can serve the above registered agents with legal documents.

How to serve a registered agent?

Lance Casey & Associates will serve your legal documents to a registered agent.  Complete the form below. Email your documents with instructions to LJkc916@gmail.com or fax your documents and instructions to (916) 244-2636.

Services Requested

  • Please describe how you found our website: Example, YouTube Video, ect.
  • Describe the services you are requesting in detail.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
      Upload document here or Email to serviceofprocess916@gmail.com or fax (916) 244-2636